Monday, September 1, 2014

Our 13th Anniversary .... Alhamdulillah.

Kami tak serupa
Kami tak sama
Dia pandai, Saya? Takkkkk..
Dia bijak, Saya? Kurengggg....
Dia hensem, Saya? Jauh laa..
Dia tinggi, Saya? Rendang...ahahah
Dia berprinsip, Saya? Hentam ajee...
Dia hebat, Saya? Low profile, biasa-biasa aje...

Kerana perbezaan itulah
Dia melengkapi kekurangan Saya
Dia menutup kelemahan Saya
Dia pimpin ketempangan Saya

Kami percaya 
Kerana Kami tak serupa-lah
Buat Kami kena sentiasa bersama
Untuk bantu satu sama lain

Kami percaya
Kerana Kami tak sama-lah
Buat Kami perlu bergandingan 
Untuk meneruskan kehidupan dalam redhaNya

Kami percaya
Kerana Kami tak matching-lah
Kami kena jadi geng
Supaya Hashimiz tak pening tgk Mama Baba diaorang.
(Ketawa sikit...ihihihi)

It was never easy coping and dealing with our differences.
We both know it has been a rough ride. 
However, I don’t care how bumpy the road is as long as I’m not taking this ride all by myself. 
Yes it was a rough ride but the sweetest of it all because you were with me.
That’s why I came to love you more. 
Thanks for the wonderful years we shared 
For the happy moments and the great bonding 
Thanks for giving me a chance to be the mother of your children
I’ve never been so happier like this before

Alhamdulillah, it's our


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